Snooker and Pool Table room size guide. FAQ

Latest news from the workshop   27/03/2025

Lead time at the moment around 6 weeks.

Useful table information, e.g. recommended room size, slate sizes, cloth, leg profile, etc.

Email: or call 07969288786 Ian.

To the right is a handy Snooker & Pool table room size guide.
You need four or five feet of space between the cushion rails and the surrounding walls or furniture depending on the type of table. Most full size snooker cues are 58" inch long. 6ft & 7ft pool tables are supplied with 4ft cues.
8ft,9ft and 10ft tables are supplied with 54" inch cues. However there are few recreational rooms that do not have some sort of obstacle that interferes with play. Sideboards, fireplaces, furniture all affect cueing action. An additional cue can be supplied to suit these areas.

"What if I want my table installing on the 1st floor?"
Just remember... A full size 12ft table has 5 slate pieces, each of them 6 ft x 2ft 3" and weighing about 200kg.

Our fitters will need two extra able bodied persons at your end. The slates are very heavy.

I will usually ask for a some pictures of the access, or you can send a video taken on your phone. I am here to help.

Match the colour of the table to my current furniture?

You may have any *RAL colour. *(this means any colour within the paint industry. RAL is the recognized standard colour coding for the mixing of paints and lacquers.)

Many of our customers chose to reserve a particular table they like until their snooker room is ready.
We also understand that building works rarely go to schedule. As long as we are kept informed we will hold your table until you are ready at no extra cost.

Turned legs or square legs?
leg end profile
All our table legs are made using solid timbers. The image (left) shows that each of these legs are made by gluing three separate pieces together. This minimizes the tension in the wood grain to avoid the legs splitting. Our square profile legs can also be fashioned in any way the customer chooses. But the standard range is either: square plain, square fluted (as above) or square tapered here in this link.
turned and reeded legs
Turned legs can be made in made a few profiles:
Turned and reeded as pictured, or just turned using the same profile, without the reeds. Or this turned "Ornate" type of leg seen here actually being machined. Which are £200 extra plus vat on any table purchased.

Cloth types and colour's..Hainsworth Smart cloth  colour swatch

We use the Hainsworth Smart range of wool napped cloth for all but a few of our snooker table refurbishments and installations.
This cloth above all has been chosen as the industry standard throughout the country.
It's a very popular cloth that is found in most snooker clubs and private residences. This traditional napped cloth is hard wearing, reliable and only requires replacement perhaps every 7 - 10 yrs even with regular use.

Cloth Samples: We don't carry samples in our workshop although our cloth manufacturer Hainsworth will send up to 5 samples free of charge.  Using the link above..

.. Fill out the form with your details.
select "END PURPOSE OF FABRIC", check "interior fabrics"
Select "Baize", scroll down..
Select "broadcloth".
From there select up to 5 cloth colour examples.

or you can call Hainsworth on their contact number:  0113 257 0391  
If you are looking for the American cheaper cloth with no nap (The type you find on pool tables outside bars for example in Spain or Greece on holiday) then here is their elite pro range of cloth. We wouldn't recommend this cloth for Snooker or UK Pool.

Snooker Table Cloth information:

According to our experienced table fitters ( All time served with apprenticeships at Riley Snooker when the manufacturing base was here in Accrington and Padiham) Hainsworth Smart and Strachan 6811 are very similar giving a hard wearing 7 - 10 yrs use.
Hainsworth Smart is the cloth that you will find in most of the snooker halls and clubs the World over.

Strachan Tournament & Hainsworth Match lasts around 12 months. This is the type of cloth you would find on a snooker hall match table.

Strachan Match and Hainsworth Precision lasts only a matter of weeks! This type of cloth is what you would find in professional tournaments.

Our American Pool tables are supplied in any of the colour's available within the Hainsworth Elite Pro cloth range. Again this is the industry standard and is durable enough even to be played outdoors. The upgrade in this instance is to the Simonis Cloth which is a little extra.
Pro cup pool American pool Balls can be ordered also.


Snooker and Pool slate sizes are different!..

6, 7, 8, and 9ft Snooker tables have a larger slate and hence give a bigger playing area than their Pool table counterparts. For example

A 6ft Snooker table playing area is actually 69" x 33"

An 6ft Pool table playing area is actually 60" x 32"


An 7ft Snooker table playing area is actually 81" x 39"

An 7ft Pool table playing area is actually 72" x 38"


An 8ft Snooker table playing area is actually 92" x 45.5"

An 8ft Pool table playing area is actually 83" x 41.5"

As you can see there's quite a difference between snooker and pool tables over their given sizes. Just remember to add 4ft - 5ft of space all around this size for unobstructed game play.


Sell to us?
We will buy good example of tables, (groundfloor collection only).
Please email your approx location any information e.g. images, age and condition.

It can take up to a day to remove a table depending on location.
Manpower, fuel, time and storage space are the enemy when uninstalling.
Some of our tables may be in storage for months until the right buyer comes along. Please understand you are selling to the trade, so we can only offer trade prices. (you may receive a higher price for your table if you offer it for sale on an auction site like ebay)
It takes at least two people to remove or install a ground floor table, four persons if it involves a set of stairs.  Hopefully if you can muster some help then all the better.
 This is especially helpful on some first floor installations. Most fullsize and muti-slate installations are carried out by Sovereign Snooker Services whose staff have been involved in the manufacture, restoration and installation of Snooker/ Pool tables for over 40yrs.

Also if you should need any after sales help then they can schedule in a visit if they are in your area or give advice over the phone or via email. 

Buy / Pay Deposit
We can take a deposit and hold any snooker table if your room isn't ready yet. If you would like to secure one of our tables, a deposit of 20% would be required.  Payment either by bank transfer or cheque. Unless otherwise stated on the table advert, the balance is paid in cash or bank transfer at point of installation and your satisfaction. Ultimately this table is going to be made new or refurbished especially for you.
Feel free to phone if you have any questions, or drop me an email.
Email is usually best to start with. It gives me chance to gather my information together. I will usually respond within the day. Text or whattsap can be used also.


Please note: wood is a natural material and can move and settle into a new environment over time. We would recommend that if any cracks in the woodwork appear, that these can be filled with furniture wax or wood filler to remove unsightly marks.
idonohoe snooker of Accrington.





Ultimately this table is going to be made or refurbished especially for you.

Call, send a text or drop me an email. Ian.

07969288786 Ian


Cross rest heads





Adie sanding rail





Hainsworth smart cloth





Tulip snooker table legs






Snooker table cushions



The workshop





Snooker workshop



Sovereign snooker services






















Frequently Asked Questions







Room / Table Size Guide

Ideal Room Size

Cue length

Approx Table Weight